Imobiliare Solution presteaza servicii complexe de consultanta si intermediere imobiliara in interesul beneficiarilor in vederea vanzarii-cumpararii sau in vederea inchirierii de imobile. Comisionul de intermediere imobiliara practicat de agentie este 2% calculat din valoarea tranzactiei pentru vanzarea sau cumpararea de imobile si terenuri, respectiv 50% din valoarea unei chirii lunare pentru inchirieri. Comisionul se datoreaza agentiei doar in cazul incheierii contractului de vanzare-cumparare sau a unui alt act de transfer al proprietatii sau in cazul incheierii unui contract de inchiriere. Cuantumul comisionului se poate negocia in cazul intermedierii imobilelor cu valoare mare sau in alte situatii speciale.
Preluam de la prorietari diverse tipuri de imobile pe care le promovam in vederea vanzarii sau inchirierii.
Principalele tipuri de imobile de care ne ocupam sunt: apartamente, garsoniere, case, vile, spatii comerciale, spatii industriale, spatii pentru birouri si terenuri.
Serviciul de intermediere imobiliara are loc in baza unui contract de intermediere imobiliara pentru vanzare sau inchiriere incheiat intre propriatar si agentie.
In esenta, obiectul contractului il reprezinta serviciul de intermediere imobiliara prestat de agentie in interesul beneficiarului. In cazul in care agentia identifica un cumparator care accepta si cumpara oferta acestuia, beneficiarul va plati agentiei comisionul in cuantumul prevazut in contract.
Pentru realizarea contractului agentia intreprinde pe cheltuiala sa demersuri specifice de publicitate si promovare imobiliara a ofertei.
Vizionam imobilul in vederea preluarii ofertei spre vanzare sau inchiriere.
Inregistram pe formulare specifice agentiei toate informatiile si detaliile necesare unei evaluari obiective a pretului si pentru promovarea acestuia.
Verificam situatia juridica a imobilului.
Identificam si comunicam proprietarului avantajele si dezavantajele imobilului, comparativ cu alte oferte pe care le avem deja spre vanzare.
Toate ofertele imobiliare preluate de noi in vederea vanzarii sau inchirierii sunt prezentate pe site cu poze relevante.
Promovam oferta in presa si publicatii de specialitate sau in pliante si reviste proprii.
Publicam oferta pe site-ul nostru si pe cele mai importante site-uri cu specific imobiliar,,, si altele.
Identificam, selectam si prezentam beneficiarului, potentiali cumparatori pentru oferta.
Informam beneficiarul despre acceptarea ofertei si asistam procesul de negociere.
Oferim beneficiarului consultanta si asistenta pentru finalizarea vanzarii si incheierea actelor de transfer ale proprietatii, sau a contractului de inchiriere.
In cazul in care se doreste incheierea unui antecontract de vanzare-cumparare agentia va elabora si redacta acest act in conditiile stabilite de comun acord de beneficiar si potentialul cumparator.
Prestam serviciul de intermediere imobiliara in interesul beneficiarului (cumparator sau chirias) in schimbul platii comisionului.
Serviciul consta in identificarea unor proprietati imobiliare sau terenuri care sa corespunda cererii beneficiarului, in vederea incheierii unui act de transfer al dreptului de proprietate sau a unui contract de inchiriere.
Agentia face selectia proprietatilor imobiliare si a terenurilor compatibile cu cererea beneficiarilor.
Prezentam beneficiarilor informatii din baza proprie de date despre preturile practicate pe piata pentru tipul de imobil solicitat.
Programam si asiguram vizionarea ofertelor imobiliare.
Informam beneficiarul asupra nivelului estimativ al costurilor ocazionate de transferul de proprietate.
Asistam procesul de negociere intre vanzator si cumparator.
Verificam situatia juridica a imobilului si acordam asistenta juridica clientului.
Elaboram si sa redactam antecontracte de vanzare-cumparare in conditiile stabilite de comun acord intre vanzator si cumparator.
Oferim beneficiarilor consultanta si asistenta pentru finalizarea cumpararii si incheierea contractului de vanzare-cumparare in forma autentica la notar sau a contractului de inchiriere.
Oferim beneficiarului informatiile pe care le detinem, sau pe care in mod rezonabil le cunoastem despre: caracteristicile generale ale imobilului, care pot influenta decizia de cumparare, incluzand nivelul de finisare, dimensiuni, vechime si pozitionarea fata de punctele cardinale; posibilele avantaje sau dezavantaje ale zonei si vecinatatii imobilului.
Imobiliare Solution provides complex real estate consulting and intermediation services in the interest of the beneficiaries, in order to sell-buy or in order to rent real estate. The real estate brokerage commission charged by the agency is 2%, calculated from the value of the transaction for the sale or purchase of real estate and proprieties, respectively 50% of the value of a monthly rent. The commission is due to the agency only in case of concluding the sale-purchase contract or another deed of transfer of ownership or in case of concluding a lease contract. The amount of the commission can be negotiated in case of intermediation of high value real estate or in other special situations.
We take over from the owners various types of real estate that we promote in order to sell or rent.
The main types of real estate we deal with are: apartments, studios, houses, villas, commercial spaces, industrial spaces, office and land spaces.
The real estate brokerage service takes place on the basis of a real estate brokerage contract for sale or rent concluded between the owner and the agency.
In essence, the object of the contract is the real estate brokerage service provided by the agency in the interest of the beneficiary. If the agency identifies a buyer who accepts and buys his offer, the beneficiary will pay the agency the commission in the amount provided in the contract.
In order to fulfill the contract, the agency undertakes at its expense specific steps for advertising and real estate promotion of the offer.
We are viewing the building in order to take over the offer for sale or rent.
We register on agency-specific forms all the information and details necessary for an objective evaluation of the price and for its promotion.
We check the legal status of the property.
We identify and communicate to the owner the advantages and disadvantages of the property, compared to other offers we already have for sale.
All real estate offers taken over by us for sale or rent are presented on the site with relevant pictures.
We promote the offer in the press and specialized publications or in our own website and group.
We publish the offer on our website and on the most important real estate sites,,, and others.
We identify, select and present to the beneficiary, potential buyers for the offer.
We inform the beneficiary about the acceptance of the offer and we assist the negotiation process.
We offer the beneficiary consultancy and assistance for completing the sale and concluding the transfer deeds of the property, or the rental contract.
If it is desired to conclude a pre-contract of sale-purchase, the agency will elaborate and draft this act under the conditions established by mutual agreement of the beneficiary and the potential buyer.
We provide the real estate brokerage service in the interest of the beneficiary (buyer or tenant) in exchange for the payment of the commission.
The service consists in identifying real estate or lands that corresponds to the beneficiary’s request, in order to conclude a deed of transfer of ownership or a lease.
The agency selects real estate and land compatible with the beneficiaries’ request.
We present to the beneficiaries information from our own database about the prices charged on the market for the type of real estate requested.
We schedule and ensure the viewing of real estate offers.
We inform the beneficiary about the estimated level of costs incurred by the transfer of ownership.
We assist the negotiation process between the seller and the buyer.
We check the legal status of the property and provide legal assistance to the client.
We elaborate and draft pre-sale-purchase contracts under the conditions established by mutual agreement between the seller and the buyer.
We offer to the beneficiaries consultancy and assistance for the completion of the purchase and the conclusion of the sale-purchase contract in authentic form at the notary or of the rental contract.
We provide the beneficiary with the information we have, or reasonably know about: the general characteristics of the property, which may influence the purchase decision, including the level of finish, size, age and positioning relative to the cardinal points; possible advantages or disadvantages of the area and neighborhood of the building.